Tuesday, December 25, 2007

"Days of Gratitude" - William M. Denny

One of our faithful readers has just published his first book. It is an historical account of the steamship Gratitude. We hope you'll support our little community of readers and writers and purchase a copy.

Merry Christmas,
J. Sweeney

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas - Happy Winter Solstice

We at WeeklyMusings would like to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy Winter Solstice! Whether you celebrate the magic of long-lasting lamp oil, the birth of Jesus or the end of the shortening of the days and lengthening of the nights, we can all join in the celebration of light and its increase in our world.

J. Sweeney

PS For our readers in the Southern Hemisphere, we are delighted to have you with us and hope that you enjoyed you longest day.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Open Letter to Senator Clinton

Dear Senator Clinton,

My wife and I are teachers and looking forward to buying a home in a better school district. We have been waiting for the market to correct itself rather than use an ARM. For the last few years prices in our area have increased much faster than incomes due to over-borrowing. We and other financially prudent families do not appreciate the idea of our government now meddling with the appropriate collapse of prices.

This is going to make more of us have to use terrible levels of debt to get into a home.

Please stop. Don't allow the Bush administration to bail out the banks and the millions of Americans that have not learned to balance their checkbooks. What the hell are you people in Washington doing?

Looking for a new candidate,
Joe Sweeney