Friday, August 21, 2009

Response to Paul Krugman's "Obama's Trust Problem"

I am an independent who voted for President Obama. He won my vote by promising to leave Iraq and to repeal the outrageous doctrine of preemptive war. As a conservative I would prefer to see healthcare, education, etc. left to the many states. However, elections have consequences and we should expect candidates to live up to their stated principles.

Conservatives weren't able to stop President Bush from launching his ill-conceived war of aggression nor were we able to restrain his prolific spending. Even though he was elected on a campaign of fiscal discipline and humility in international affairs. We all remember his promise to avoid "nation building".

The financial crisis was shared by both administrations and both spent our children's money to prop up corrupt financial institutions. The wars, the spending, the bailouts, all were done against a backdrop of enormous protests and flagrant disregard of the people's will.

The vested interests of lobbyist and corporations are winning on every major issue. In regards to the war, Blackwater, Bechtel, Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, etc. won massive contracts, billions of dollars. The people lost. We lost our brothers and sisters in arms, our standing among the nations of the world, and some would argue our opportunity to defeat radical Islam.

On the issue of the bailouts, AIG, Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway, etc. won to the delight of their again enriched executives. The people lost and will be paying for it dearly. The massive bailouts are a redistribution of wealth from the many to the connected few.

Now, on healthcare, the insurance, medical equipment, and drug companies are winning. Once more the forces of special interests are arrayed against the will of the people and look ready to win.

If with a majority in congress and a Democrat in the White House, progressives are not able to have their voices heard and enact universal healthcare then I fear it may be time to reconsider the efficacy of our national government. The system is not working.

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