Saturday, July 07, 2007

Democrats - Bill Richardson

I just watched an interview by Tim Russert of Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico on the Meet the Press website. If like me you thought that he represented a reasonable candidate for the Democrats to nominate, it might be instructive.

He is a former Ambassador to the United Nations, Energy Secretary, and Congressman. The guy should know his stuff. Sadly, it looks like he knows politics and polls, but not foreign policy or consistency.

His call for immediate withdraw of all US troops from Iraq is a direct contradiction of his statements in his recent book. (Not named here to keep from giving him revenue.)

When pressed by Russert for a reason for the change: hot air.

Click the link above to go to the video clip. Once you get to the video page, the Richardson clip is down on the right. If the link doesn't work, head on over to the site via Google or your favorite search engine. Just watch and scratch off another Democratic hopeful.

J. Sweeney

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